January 20, 2013 - Uvalde Leader News
Community Health Development, Inc, CEO Rachel Gonzales-Hanson was named Uvaldean of the year for 2012 by the Uvalde Area Chamber of Commerce. Gonzales-Hanson is a life-long resident of Uvalde and is the CEO of Community Health Development, Inc., "a nonprofit community-based health care agency that provides comprehensive, intergrated primary health care services to Uvalde, Real, Edwards and Zavala counties. Her Involvement in the healthcare movement began while serving as a member of the CHDI Board of Directors in 1983. The following year, after resigning her position on the CHDI board, she too over duties as the organization's executive secretary. Then, in 1986, she took on the role of CEO for CHDI.
Gonzales-Hanson is also a founding member of the Southwest Texas Network and has held various positions on the Texas Association of Community Health Centers' board of directors.