What the Cook On Every Corner Program is all about!
Marco Donis and Ismael Celedon demonstrate how to make shrimp ceviche with mango. Did you know ceviche originated in Peru.
Medical Assistant Sayra Vigil made delisious meatless burgers that were instead made of shredded zucchini and hard-boiled eggs.
Virginia Escoto, RN, and Tara Scott, MD, made a beautiful salad using a recipe that Virginia created herself.
The creation of Virginia and Tara's salad through the demonstration kitchen mirror at G&G Market's Ginger Grille.
Tonir Ramirez, MD, demonstrates how to make a beautiful slasa with papaya. She likes to put this salsa on fish tacos.
Program participants Dave Schneider, MD and Toni Ramirez, MD, with program developer, chef, and MD Wendy Kohatsu.
Dr. Dave Schneider makes chocolate pudding -- using avocadoes! Choc-o-cado goodness!
A delicious quinoa salad was created during the class.
Participants were given tools throughout the six-week program so that they could continue creating high-quality, healthy food.