Thanks to our friends at Oliver's Market for donating amazing cakes!
Our program was amazing! It was started by Dr. Steeve Sheerin, one of the early providers at Souwthest Community Health Center who still works with us today.
Guests learned that they can hide healthy greens like spinach in smoothies that kids love!
The Smoothie Bike!
The making of the smoothies.
The Tooth Fairy and our amazing Santa Rosa Community Dental Center team.
Our fierce Campeones de Salud team offered free seven minute workout demonstrations at the event.
Participants learning a 7 minute workout from Campeones de Salud
Participants learning a 7 minute workout from Campeones de Salud
Our Campeones!
Teen Advocacy group at the event!
Guests walked through 20 years of our history, from inception to today.