Staff Heart Picture
Soli in Pharmacy
Soli, a CHDI staff member, working within the pharmacy located inside the Center.
Dr. Amadi and Young Girl
CHDI physician, Dr. Amadi, with a young patient during her physical exam.
Cristina Velasquez
A Community Health Development, Inc. employee of the Billing Department, Cristina Velasquez, at work in her office.
Ambrish Patel and other medical staff
CHDI medical providers at work on the health center floor.
Carol Garcia
A Community Health Development, Inc. staff person within Medical Records at work organizing patient files.
Dillon Miller and Ambrish Patel
Two Community Health Development, Inc. providers consult each-other in the hallway.
Marisol Camacho
Community Health Development, Inc. Lab technician, Marisol Camacho, draws the blood of a patient.
Dr. Rodriguez performing a dental exam