50 Years of Whole Patient Care: Asian Health Services’ Commitment to Health and Community

50 Years of Whole Patient Care: Asian Health Services’ Commitment to Health and Community

For half a century, Asian Health Services (AHS) (Oakland, CA) has been a cornerstone of healthcare access and advocacy for the area’s Asian and Pacific Islander (AAPI) population. Established in 1974 by volunteers who recognized the vital need for "whole patient care,” it has evolved from a one-room clinic into a 12-site health system serving nearly 30,000 patients annually. Committed to holistic care, AHS offers a range of services including primary care, mental health, dental care, nutrition, and case management, delivering care in 16 languages to meet the needs of its predominantly Asian patients, 83% of whom are best served in a language other than English.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, AHS demonstrated exceptional resilience and responsiveness. They launched the first multilingual, multicultural testing site in Alameda County, offering free testing in multiple Asian languages; in partnership with the county, they conducted contact tracing focusing on the AAPI community and administered tens of thousands of vaccinations at the health center and pop-up locations. To combat anti-Asian hate and violence, AHS supported victims of hate crimes, showcasing their unwavering dedication to community well-being. Through programs like the Community Healing Unit and the Community Liaison Unit, they've fostered empowerment and engagement, addressing not just medical needs but social and cultural challenges.

As Asian Health Services marks its 50th anniversary, it stands as a beacon of community-driven healthcare, embodying the transformative impact of compassionate, culturally sensitive services. Their legacy is one of resilience, adaptability, and profound commitment to creating a healthier, more inclusive Oakland.